The Guild
The strongest order of mages in the world, they set the rules for the conduct of mages. Guild members are royalty among mages. They share their powers through rings called the Blue Diamonds. The Guild first started as the Order of the First Shrine.
Blue Diamond, Chapter 3:
I froze at the significance of his status. The Blue Diamond was recognizable by anyone in the magical world. It was the thousand-year-old symbol of the Guild, the oldest surviving order of mages in the universe and the highest magical authority in existence. There were one hundred such rings and about seventy or eighty mages had one at any point in time. Long ago, my father had been one of them.
The Order of the First Shrine
The origin of the Guild. A small order of mages that became ultra-powerful when they created the Blue Diamond rings in order to defeat the tyrant mage Harthenon.
Blue Diamond, Chapter 15:
Ivan took the stone to the Order of the First Shrine, a small guild of mages who had escaped Harthenon’s rule and hid up in the mountains of Eryri. After telling them his story, working hard through the night, he and the mages of the Order split the stone into one hundred pieces and created one hundred magically connected rings. Every mage who wore one of these rings would be sharing their power with the others and they were certain that together they could bring Harthenon down.
Merlin’s Creed, Chapter 1:
The Order of the First Shrine wanted Kim because of her prophetic visions. And they were the most powerful order of mages in the land: they shared their combined magic through a hundred Blue Diamond rings, so a chance meeting with one of them was fatal.
An organization of mages and fairies working together to prevent the reversal of Avalon’s Curse.
Merlin’s Creed, Chapter 4:
A small organization got involved. They were called the Dìonadairean, which meant something like defenders. Morgan was part of them. Their sole purpose was to prevent mages from reigniting the fire of Avalon to reverse the Curse: they would then rise, growing in size, like mushrooms after the rain. But the rest of the time, they were a small secret group with just a handful of people.
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